: Breaking News


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Investigation Books - Crime Lab


Crime Lab: A Guide for Nonscientists by John Houde (September 1, 1998)

Documentaries centering around detective work and the science of criminal investigation are popular these days but how in-depth can they get in 30 to 60 minutes? Crime Lab: A Guide for Nonscientists takes you behind the scenes, describing each step of the analysis of evidence gathered at crime scenes, explaining in easy-to-understand concepts exactly what's happening along the way. Complex instruments such as the gas chromatograph and techniques such as DNA amplification are thoughtfully described with 130 illustrations including 100 in color.


Beyond the Crime Lab: The New Science of Investigation, Revised Edition by Jon Zonderman (October 1, 1998)

The science of criminal investigation has come a long way from the days of dusting for fingerprints and checking for lipstick traces. Here is a thorough look at the latest developments of criminal investigation technology, and their implications for the guilty and innocent.

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